Aug 23 / Mayeli Gonzalez

Meet the Teku Team: Mayeli Gonzalez

My name is Mayeli Gonzalez. I am proud to be a part of Teku and serve as Operations Manager.  I first learned about the importance of mental health when I was in school. In 2021, I graduated from the University of Houston with a degree in Human Development and Family Studies and a minor in education. One of the most important things I learned during the course of my studies was how important it is to advocate for children because not every child has access to the same resources. I also learned what a huge role mental health plays in our overall well being especially when we are young. I vowed to advocate for children whenever I could. Teku gives me the opportunity to do so. Teku believes in empowering children by empowering caregivers, and I do too. 

I was born in Mexico and immigrated to the United States with my family when I was 10 years old. Although I was raised in a very loving home, mental health was never talked about. I don’t think my grandparents and parents talked about it because they really didn’t know about it.  Our communities often lack, or have lost, the words or knowledge to start these conversations. I could have benefitted from my parents learning about this, especially during my transition to a whole different country with a different language, different social norms and different culture at only ten years old. It wasn’t my parents fault, and I do not blame them, yet this experience helps me understand the power of supporting caregivers so they can support their kids. I believe in our society, mental health has not been prioritized therefore parents do not know about it or don’t choose to make it a priority. It is time we change that. Through the work we do in Teku, we hope to destigmatize mental health. We want to bring to light diverse stories and amplify voices that are often marginalized or silenced, because they matter. We matter. 

Through the work we do in Teku, we hope to destigmatize mental health. We want to bring to light diverse stories and amplify voices that are often marginalized or silenced, because they matter. We matter. 

I support Teku because our mission is important to me. We want to empower individuals. We want to foster collaboration and create safe spaces for everybody. Teku’s work matters because it doesn’t just help us as individuals. By practicing mindfulness, healing, learning and growing we uplift those around us, and oftentimes we are inspired to take care of our planet. We aim to create communities where people support each other, something my younger self, my parents and my sister could have all benefited from when we first came to the U.S. I want to make a positive impact, and I believe Teku will allow us all to do that. 
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